Watercolor of sun rising behind green and taupe mountains


Return to your center.

Return to your wisdom.

Return to your power.

This emergent journey is about no longer playing small and stepping into the abundant life that is calling you.

Closeup pattern of watercolor green mountains from image above

Trained as an integral coach, my methodology integrates teachings of many traditions and fields of study such as somatics and embodiment, integral theory, adult development theory, neuroscience, mindfulness, and nature coaching. We will always orient towards wholeness as we deepen your capacity to grow into the fullest expression of yourself.


1:1 Online Coaching Sessions


  • Find your way to calm, clear groundedness where you can access all of your wisdom.

  • Navigate change and tension as a doorway to possibility.

  • Shift from over-using adrenaline to accessing more renewable energy pathways.

  • Find freedom from questioning your worth and show up in your fullness.

  • Develop a strong inner compass to make values-aligned decisions.

  • Live a full, whole life that includes play, joy, beauty, and pleasure.

Typical Process

  1. 30-min Discovery Call (free)

    Here we assess fit and discuss the support you are seeking.

  2. Coaching Contract

    If there is a fit, we sign a three-month contract for six 1hr coaching sessions. All coaching is conducted online. The contract is paid in full before we begin and may be renewed for as long as the relationship serves you.

  3. Intake and Custom Development Plan (first 2 sessions)

    We begin by developing a personalized plan for moving past what’s getting in your way.

  4. Active Coaching and Between-Session Practice (next 4 sessions)

    Then we steadily move toward what really matters to you, incorporating practices between sessions to deepen your progress.

  5. Extension (optional)

    Extra sessions allow for a soft deepening into the work.

  6. Closure

    When the time is right, you will know and our time will end.

Between sessions is where the magic happens.

We know from research on how humans change that insight alone is not enough. Our deeply patterned ways of being take hundreds of times to rewrite, and we must commit ourselves to practicing new ones. The practices I will give you come from adult development theory, integral theory, positive psychology, and many other bodies of knowledge. I also weave poetry, music, embodied wisdom, and earth connection into my work.

Watercolor of of green and taupe mountains layering into the distance
Watercolor of sun, now animated, rising above and beyond the mountains

My Sliding Scale

Coaching should be an investment, not a hardship.

I offer a sliding scale to enable people to access my work who could not otherwise do so. By paying the most honest fee for your circumstances, you are helping to ensure that my support is accessible.

Each package includes six, 1 hour coaching sessions.

TIER 1: $1800
If you’re flourishing financially

TIER 2: $1500
If you’re financially comfortable

TIER 3: $1200
If it’s a stretch to be investing in this

TIER 4: Scholarship Rate
I reserve 15% of my coaching spots for those who may need a scholarship rate to access coaching. If you're interested in a scholarship spot, please let me know when you reach out about availability. I work globally and accept transfers in different currencies. We’ll work together to discover a rate that’s right for your circumstances and appropriate for your country’s economy.

We’ll work together to discover a rate that’s right for you.

  • Bridget's coaching helped me deeply connect with my authentic self and discover my genuine power. Her compassionate presence allowed me to articulate my desires, trust in my own strength, and integrate my whole self into my work. This transformative process has empowered me to navigate challenges with newfound inner strength and authenticity.

    Hyo Jin Chang

  • I originally came to coaching with a goal related to my business (client acquisition and structure) and, in the process, organically ended up transforming my whole life. Bridget's compassionate, warm, and clear presence allowed me to fully surrender to the coaching journey in a way that touched my heart, transformed me, and connected me to my power and presence in a very deep way. Through this journey, I have been able to bring back joy, creativity, and choice in my business and my life.

    Alisa Gunzelmann

  • Working with Bridget has been a revelation. For years I've been stuck, knowing that the answer doesn't lie in yet another framework, toolset or self-help book. Bridget is helping surface those deeper blocks that are keeping me small, and in experiencing the clear space that lies beyond, everything has changed. I know what's possible, who I can be. And with Bridget I know I can get there.

    Nick Tucker

The first step is a simple chat via Zoom.

It takes a lot of courage to step toward the truth you feel within yourself. It’s so common for doubt, worry, and fear to pour in right when we finally have the courage to do something different. Stay with it.

Watercolor of just three thin edges of layered dark green mountains

“The future is not out there in front of us, but inside us.”

― Joanna Macy —